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What's New |
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Suggested & |
Suggested and if not in progress, at least in this
list! |
12/8/2008 |
UT Secondary Medicare Corrected error (HW2 only) on Insurance screen (Thanks Lori) Reworked (hopefully last time) clean statement totals (Thanks JoAnn) UT Box 17 NPI for the Dr added (Thanks Sandy) |
11/18/2008 |
CSV mailing labels that comply with USPO (Thanks Todd) Create and print fix (many) Totals on clean statement fixed for partial statements (Thanks Debra) NY Medicare box 24J (Thanks Mike) SC BCBS and Medicare (Thanks Chantel) New Ebill options for the Billing Wizard Option added to turn of the annoying popup email reminder (It's in Preferences) |
9/25/2008 |
Envelopes have added option for printing a return address (Thanks Gonzo) Availity Ebill header change (Thanks Natalie) MA x-ray technical modifiers (Thanks Brian) automatic pop-up reminder for missing patient info. |
8/8/2008 |
Medicaid IA Medicare GA, FL, MA, NY, NJ, PA, TN Medicare Diagnosis Code Pointers (NY), NPI issues, Taxonomy codes, and much more. Statements, second page headings reworked on clean statements report |
7/15/2008 |
Added options for Clinic or Dr. Name for both Box32 and Box33 on HCFA Day Stats has added GoTo Icons (1,2,3,4) Print image Guarantor Sex calculation revised (Thanks Gwen) IL Medicare, box 33a UT RR Medicare (thanks Stephanie) 9 digit zip code in ANSI File Recognition of Taxonomy code usage (Anthem so far) and use of ZZ qualifier Procedure code service type change reflects into all past transactions. |
6/6/2008 |
Bulk Notes edit hw97 (Thanks Stuart) MO Medicare Box 17 Sped up statements a tad (Thanks Barb) Statements Tax-ID problem solved (Thanks Adam) PA Medicare and BCBS (Thanks Dennis) |
5/7/2008 |
Appointment visit counts: They do not count if the appointment is for
X. They do not count additionally when there are more intervals added.
(Thanks Suzi) IL, IN Medicare, Medicare Secondary Statements indicator in Transactions (Thanks Diana) Medicare: Added additional diagnosis pointer NM, OK |
4/1/2008 |
Enhanced referral report to provide option for reporting new patients only.
(Thanks Diana) Fixed add Dr. in HW97 and HW2000.(Thanks Diana) Sped up Unpaid bills report. (Thanks Gina) |
3/20/2008 |
SC: ZZ Medicaid taxonomy Clean statements even cleaner Medicare: NY and NJ boxes 4,6,7 are blanked out when Medicare is primary (2/25/2008) Pre-billing report fixed to not show inactive cases and visits marked but with no carrier in Case Data. (Thanks Kellie 2/26/2008) Added a New Form to view and edit all of the Visit Notes on one form, rather than one at a time. It is called Bulk Notes and is found on the Notes section in Transactions. (2/24/2008) |
2/15/2008 |
Ebill: Print image alignment of Dx codes, shortened acct ID field, added comma
between last, first name (2/13) Dx on visit receipts (2/19) Medicare NH add add'l diag pointers (Thanks Jeff (2/21) IL BCBS NOT removed license from 24J (2/19 Thanks Connie) Added merge utility to procedure codes to facilitate removal of old, unused procedures.(2/10) Added modifiers to short procedure codes report (2/5/8) Changed default Trial Run/ For Real settings in statements. (2/5/8) GA, TN Medicare have box 24IJ filled in, even if single Dr. Clinic New Statement option - a Clean statement just listing services, payments and adjustments. These are totaled at the bottom. There is no balance column or amount due calculated (Thanks Alice) Reworked statement to utilize less memory and to print faster. (Thanks Barb) Fixed a billing bug in Transaction in which multiple visits with multiple doctors only printed the last form (even though the others were correctly created and available in billing history) Exploring upgrade path for ALL users to HW2007, This will solve the Vista problem and provide a common platform to move HWW into the 21st century. |
12/31/2007 |
Statement Diagnosis fix TN Medicare MA CLM9 form revised (Thanks Cheryl) RR Medicare Box 33 corrections (IL folks) Diagnosis numbers on statements plus, faster statement printing (Thanks Barb) Added Diagnosis description back to Medicare Diagnosis Added support for multiple clinic addresses with appropriate NPI numbers ever constant revisions on ANSI protocol Clinic selection in reports menu |
11/14/2007 |
Corrected a potential problem when sales tax is collected, a payment is made,
and then another taxable item is added. (Thanks Chris) (11/13) NY C4 (07/07) slight adjustment of "X"'s (11/12) TN Medicare blanks out box 32AB (11/8/07 Thanks Peggy) New print option from patient data screen to print a block of labels for the new patient. (Thanks Lynn) "Gradual" as onset date no longer appears on HCFA Onset date in Case Data defaults to System Date instead of 1/1/1980 PA Medicare wants Dr. ID in 24J, blank address on hard copy, but kept it on Print Image (11/07/07 Thanks Kathy) NC Electronic Print image has space added in Diagnosis codes (11/5 Thanks Melissa) Medicare GA adds requirement for Box 17 (11/6 Thanks GA folks) Correction for printing Clinic NPI in Box32 (11/5 Thanks Angie) |
10/15/2007 |
New Case Data Utility to merge multiple cases New MN BCBS specs ANSI Provider/Billing loops refined Medicare - 6 digit years except for birth dates which are 8 digits. |
09/08/2007 |
Attorney Bills report and Tracer lists as unpaid if any portion (ins or patient)
is unpaid Payment detail added to Procedure Code Productivity reports Medicare: Box 32AB issues resolved Medicare: All dates on HCFA have 4 digit years Minor changes in print image file for MD Online and ENS |
07/29/2007 |
Minor changes in print image - HWHCFA.TXT and HWHCFA2.TXT are now the same. Fixed minor bug in changing account numbers in patient data. Addition of rendering/provider loop in ansi format for IN & OH (Thanks Angie & Paula) NSF Ref segment fixed for NY Print image files hwHCFA.txt and hwHCFA2.txt are now the same (new format) 7/20 Fixed IL print image cutoff problem (Thanks Wendy 7/13) "Unknown" in Appt book solved (Thanks Rachel 7/11) IL BCBS and Medicare Specs (7/11) MD-Online ANSI ebill problem resolved (Thank you Melissa!! 7/2) NY Medicare Box 17, 24J cleared (7/2) |
6/22/2007 |
Referral NPI added to referral UPIN Plan Name add to insurances screen. IL BCBS/Medicare Box32AB spects AT modifiers added to ANSI clims specs New insurance tracer later (Thanks Adam) Box 32 and 33 fields enlarged. IL Medicare specs NPI, Legacy ID's for various states, EIN vs SSN in ANSI formnat |
5/25/2007 |
IL Medicaid HWHCFA2.txt new hcfa print image file. VISTA hw2000 Payment helper, billing wizard, appt book fixed NPI group number interactions handled MN, OH, NJ, MD, IL, NC, FL, GA Medicare, BCBS VISTA problems (Alt+F) dropdown issue) in HW2000 and HW97 are tentatively fixed Medicare Secondary in CO, initial pass at solution (Thanks Gina) Medicaid IL forms alignment (Thanks Julie) All HCFA's now limited to double spacing Minor tweaks for new HCFA form printing |
04/18/2007 |
Much work on handling the variations of NPI usage between 17A (Ref NPI & Ref
UPIN), 24J (rendering MPI and legacy provider ID) and Box 32/33 (Clinic vs.
Doctors NPI along with legacy identifiers). While not every state has responded
with revised specs, code is in place to rapidly allow modifications based on
many variables. Things will ease somewhat when the legacy identifiers disappear
in late May or early June. More work has been done on the handling of variations for the ANSI ebill submission format. Large screen version should work on 14" monitors - try it. New HCFA Print Image file (HWHCFA2.TXT) MN, IL, TN, GA BCBS & Medicare (Thanks Medicare!) MD PT BCBS & Medicare (Thanks Bobbie) |
3/29/2007 |
BIG SCREENS EBILL and New HCFA refinements Testing out larger screen sizes (Attorneys, Doctors, Insurances) MN, IL BCBS new HCFA issues Cleared old Illinois form printing issues (Thanks JoAnn 3/5/07) Reworked NPI switch over to be more automatic (3/3/07) Added 40 more status line messages |
02/26/2007 |
Refinement of data tables to avoid zero-length insert error (2/24/07) Medicare & BCBS special coding for transition issues on new HCFA (2/12/7) More on the IL Medical Assistance Form (Thanks Joann 2/12/07) ANSI 2010AA rewritten (Thanks Tim, 2/7/7) Preserving margins on C4 margin edits (Thanks Scott!, 2/7/7) Switching back and forth between new and old HCFA (2/7/7) Box 32 issue on NEW HCFA fixed (2/5/7) Box 24K NPI for Medicare (2/5/7) HCFA-1500 - use full address for guarantor if same as patient More work on ANSI 837 for NPI number usage |
1/31/2007 |
More work on new HCFA (1/31/07) Added ability to switch back and forth between new and old HCFA's IL Medical Assistance Form (Thanks Joann 1/31/07) Medicare refinements for new HCFA (1/24/07) Fixed the hiding of the transaction date on single date statements (1/10/07) Appointment Call list revised to show room Numbers (Thanks Steve 1/24/07)) MI BCBS ebill stuff. (Thanks Dr. Tim) MA Medical assistance CLM9 form added. (Thanks Aaron) NEW HCFA Form activated. |
12/15/2006 | Definitive 2005 versions uploaded. Include myriad and sundry fixes for various state Medicare and Medicaid form printing, further refinement of ANSI4010 837 electronics filing system, correction of referral report listings, removal of SAME from HCFA printouts and testing of new CMS 1500 form for 2007. |
10/12/2006 |
NYS Medicare Group#/Pin# resolved HW97/HW2000 upgrade issues resolved. PopUp Notes "Always Show" issue resolved ANSI CR2/DTP placement order resolved NYS PT workers comp form (in progress) OH W'comp box 25/33 Minor cosmetic changes to respond to confusion on the part of new users. Minor changes for ANSI4010 837 electronic claims submissions Minor changes for HCFA printing. Testing of the new CMS1500 form |
8/18/2006 |
Day Stats Report Options (Thanks Diana 8/17) MI ANSI REF segment fix (Thanks Tim 8/14) KY Ebill Fix (Thanks Sandy 8/10) MD Automobile Box 32 Fix (Thanks Evan 8/12) NPI field added to doctors in preparation for new CMS 1500 (8/1) Numerous and sundry other small fixes |
7/17/2006 |
Fixed the erroneous NumLock Key turn off (Thanks Diane 7/18) CA - All HCFA forms now have box 32 filled in (Thanks Rick 7/17) Can now change Clinic (if you have more than one) from the Main Switchboard (Thanks Diana 7/12) Billing Wizard now lets you choose actions for All clinics or specific one (Thanks Diana 7/10) Spelling fix on Transaction Page (Thanks Stuart 7/8) New report: Authorized Through, which lists patients whose authorization treatment end date is coming up. (Thanks Stuart 7/6) |
6/17/2006 |
SC Commercial Claims Box32 (Thanks Chantel 6/15) Bug Fix: Printing a visit receipt no longer mistakenly creates a HCFA (Thanks Jeff 6/15) ANSI 2310 Rendering Provider Loop issues better resolved (Thanks Doug 6/12) Report for "Authorized Through" added to Case Data (Thanks Stu 6/14) Statement printing fixes for "Out of Memory" problems (6/1) Case Data Screen titles added for each page (6/4) Pop Up notes has explicit Edit button to prevent accidental erasure of its contents (6/10) HCFA Medicare demonstration counties. Medicare: 98943 no longer has AT modifier (Thanks Kurt 6/1) Changing Guarantor data through Case data screen no longer makes the Guarantor inactive (5/30) |
05/03/2006 |
Added running totals to specific date statements.(5/12) NY Workers comp (yet another new) C4 form dated 11/05 OH BWC TaxID to Pin Num in box 33 (4/25 Thanks Melissa) CA Medicaid (Thanks Rick) New Inactive Handling for Deletions (Thanks Rick) |
4/23/2006 |
IL Medicare ANSI stuff (4/23) A few more status messages (Thanks Tim) DTP segment always follows CR2 in ANSI4010 (Thanks Mike) Medicare NY subx level removed (4/20) (Thanks Dr. Steve) Reworked the totals routine for EOY statements (4/20 Thanks Nancy). Reworked the balance column for statements (4/11). |
3/22/2006 |
A few more status messages (Thanks Tim) ANSI 2010AA - (Thanks Shelly) Unique (only 1 clinic) Bill Reprint error (Thanks Diane) OH Medicare box 11 None (Thanks - OH users) Statement by Specific Dates (Thanks - many) Reprint Unpaid Only (Thanks Diana) Fixed the rarely occurring Case Needs Describing error - gone forever |
02/28/2006 |
Statement labels (Thanks Dr. K) ANSI SD 2300 N5/NS ref issue resolved (Thanks Karla) OH Medicare Address (Thanks David) A few new status quotes added. Insurance Carrier HCFA Print Option clarified (like butter!) SD ANSI4010 issues addressed (Thanks Karla) Billing Wizard redesign completed (Thanks Diane) Reports Wizard redesign completed (Thanks Diane) Statements Wizard redesign completed (Thanks Diane) Date issue on statements payments report fixed (Thanks Laura) Referential Integrity Search improved (Thanks Janice) |
01/25/2006 |
Statements with optional payment distribution detail (Thanks
Rick) Website redesign mailing labels now available in .doc format Box 24K Medicare NJ (Thanks Paul) Medicare "Read Only" error in FillBox9 (Many) "UT" Box 9 Medicare 2300 CR2 Loop in ANSI Ebilling Ansi ebill upgrade (Thanks Scott) UT Medicare and BCBS HCFA corrections (Thanks Robin) |
2004-2005 | Here |
2002-2003 | Here |
2000-2001 | Here |
1998-1999 | Here |
1995-1997 | Here |
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